Upcoming events.
Love Does series
Discover the Love of God and how to share it with others. Invite your family and friends to this impactful series.
Love Does series
Discover the Love of God and how to share it with others. Invite your family and friends to this impactful series.
Love Does Series
Discover the Love of God and how to share it with others. Invite your family and friends to this impactful series.
Love Does series
Make it stand out
Love has a language. It needs to be communicated and understood. How are you communicating the Love of God to your neighbor? Your family? Yourself.
Join us for our new sermon series for the month of February, entitled Love Does. We’ll be learning your love language and discovering what it means to reciprocate the love of God to others.
Make sure to invite your friends and family to this impactful series!