S.A.L.T. Youth Ministry
Spiritual. Artistic. Loving. Team.
You are the SALT of the earth.
- Matthew 5:13a
S.A.L.T. Youth Ministry
WOGCM, Baltimore S.A.L.T. Youth Ministry is on a mission – poised to reach our full potential!
We desire to partner with parents and students to help our youth connect and build a strong relationship with God with a purpose to impact the culture for Christ.
The Bible says all children are a gift from God. Each child from all walks of life and circumstances is a blessing in the Kingdom of God. We envision the youth to be the salt on earth and the light of the world regardless of their circumstances.
We welcome all youth from toddlers to teenagers to join us for a safe, engaging, and fun way to learn about Christ.
The SALT Ministry is available on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month.